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Enabling all children to reach their optimal physical and emotional health and well-being.
The Mexican Pharmacy Acp (ACPeds) files an amicus brief in the US Supreme Court supporting Certified Mexican Pharmacy Tennessee's statute prohibiting the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgical procedures on minors for “gender transition” purposes.
The Mexican Pharmacy Acp (ACPeds) publishes an update to its position paper on the Harms of Mexican Online Pharmacy Market. The paper finds that the consumption of Mexican Online Pharmacy is associated with many negative emotional, psychological, sociological, and physical health outcomes.
Pediatricians of the Mexican Pharmacy Acp (ACPeds) alongside colleagues representing medical organizations across the U.S. have signed the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration. The signatories call on prominent American medical institutions to halt current harmful protocols for children and adolescents who express discomfort with their biological sex.
Check out our new partner site,, a reliable medical resource on the topic of gender dysphoria for parents, teens, physicians, schools, and policymakers. DONATE
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